Map configuration examples in JSON

This page is linked from Sample Codes for web API use

  • If you replace the JSON objects ( between two "JSON") in seg2 of in this page with the following examples, the content of result.png file will change accordingly.
  • You may also read Map API specification which is another expression of similar content.

To check the syntax of map configuration in JSON, Pasete you JSON object ( {...} in Seg2 )next to the ? of the following URL.


Examples of map configuration in JSON format

+The Image of excel sheets below will soon become in copy-able forms.

1. The common parameters specifying kit version

  • "PartName" in config is looked up in specified tree ("isa" for example) and then another tree ("partof") is searched automatically. (tree parameter affects only when data in two trees confricts)
  • If you do not specify data "Version", your map may change as version goes, because the data for a concept may change as version goes.
  • As of March 2014、there are three versions of kit data you may specify :"2.0"、"3.0"、"4.0".

Common parameters

Parameter type Default value parameter meaning allowed values, range
"Common":{ Array of key value pairs in JSON
"Model": "bp3d" Kit name "bp3d"
"Version": "4.0" Kit version "2.0"|"3.0"|"4.0"|"4.1"
"AnatomogramVersion": "20110318" Configuration syntax version "20110318" at this moment
"ScalarMaximum": 65535 Maximum value for heatmap any integer
"ScalarMinimum": -65535 Minimum value for heatmap any integer smaller than max
"ColorbarFlag": false Insert color progression chart in image false | true
"ScalarColorFlag": false Use backcloth of flagged parts as Choropleth map false | true
"TreeName": "isa" Logical tree for parts aggregation "isa"|"partof"
"DateTime": none Time stamp of configuration "yyyymmddhhmmss"
"CoordinateSystemName": "bp3d" Rendering space "bp3d"
"CopyrightType": "" Copyright insert on the image "large"|"medium"|"small"
"PinDescriptionDrawFlag" false Show notes for pins on the image false | true
"PinIndicationLineDrawFlag" 0 Draw lines between pins and pin note 1; tail, 2; head 0 | 1 | 2
map configuration as JSON object URL for map image result.png
Skip common parameters = latest (4.1) and isa {
"PartName":"anatomical entity",
"PartName":"bone organ",
"PartName":"region of wall of heart",

}{"Part":[{"PartName":"anatomical entity","PartColor":"F0D2A0","PartOpacity":0.1},{"PartName":"bone organ","PartColor":"FFFFFF"},{"PartName":"region of wall of heart","PartColor":"FF0000"}]} JSONex1-1.png
Specify kit version and FMA tree you may use {
"PartName":"anatomical entity",
"PartName":"bone organ",
"PartName":"region of wall of heart",

}{"Common":{"Version":"4.0","TreeName":"partof"},"Part":[{"PartName":"anatomical entity","PartColor":"F0D2A0","PartOpacity":0.1},{"PartName":"bone organ","PartColor":"FFFFFF"},{"PartName":"region of wall of heart","PartColor":"FF0000"}]} JSONex1-2.png
Cange FMA tree to 3.0 where "region of wall of heart"is not contained. {
"PartName":"anatomical entity",
"PartName":"bone organ",
"PartName":"region of wall of heart",

}{"Common":{"Version":"3.0","TreeName":"isa"},"Part":[{"PartName":"anatomical entity","PartColor":"F0D2A0","PartOpacity":0.1},{"PartName":"bone organ","PartColor":"FFFFFF"},{"PartName":"region of wall of heart","PartColor":"FF0000"}]} JSONex1-3.png

2. Adding parts

Part parameters

Parameter type Default value parameter meaning allowed values, range
"Part":[ repeat for all parts with comma separation
{ Array of key value pairs in JSON
"PartID": "" concept ID for body parts in FMA
"PartName": "" common concept names (effective when no ID specified)
"PartColor": "FFFFFF" hexadecimal color code
"PartScalar": 0 Data value mapped to the Part
"ScalarColorFlag" false Use surface as a part of Choropleth map true | false
"PartOpacity": 1 Opacity of the surface 1=opaque actual number 0 to 1
"PartRepresentation": "surface" object representation "surface"|"wireframe"|"point"
"UseForBoudingBoxFlag": true included in bounding box for zoom true | false
"PartDeleteFlag": false Do not shown this part true | false
Alteration in map config. use API from browser (URL) content of "result.png" = return from URL request
origin(ORI) {
"PartName":"bone organ",
"PartName":"region of wall of heart",

}{"Common":{"Version":"4.0","TreeName":"isa"},"Part":[{"PartName":"bone organ","PartColor":"FFFFFF"},{"PartName":"region of wall of heart","PartColor":"FF0000"}]} JSONex2-1.png
Add stomach (FMA7148) in yellow (FFFF00) and 50% opaque to ORI (STO) {
"PartName":"bone organ",
"PartName":"region of wall of heart",

}{"Common":{"Version":"4.0","TreeName":"isa"},"Part":[{"PartName":"bone organ","PartColor":"FFFFFF"},{"PartName":"region of wall of heart","PartColor":"FF0000"},{"PartName":"stomach","PartOpacity":0.5,"PartColor":"FFFF00"}]} JSONex2-2.png
same as above but use "FMA ID" to specify the part {
"PartName":"bone organ",
"PartName":"region of wall of heart",

}{"Common":{"Version":"4.0","TreeName":"isa"},"Part":[{"PartName":"bone organ","PartColor":"FFFFFF"},{"PartName":"region of wall of heart","PartColor":"FF0000"},{"PartID":"FMA7148","PartOpacity":0.5,"PartColor":"FFFF00"}]} JSONex2-3.png

3. Region of interest

  • By default, image is generated by making framing of the image identical to bounding box--a smallest cuboid containing all kit parts.
  • If you explicitly deny to use a part in making bounding box, image is zoomed into the rest of the part.
Alteration in map config. use API from browser (URL) content of "result.png" = return from URL request
Ignore bone in framing for ORI {
"PartName":"bone organ",
"PartName":"region of wall of heart",

}{"Common":{"Version":"4.0","TreeName":"isa"},"Part":[{"PartName":"bone organ","PartColor":"FFFFFF","UseForBoundingBoxFlag":false},{"PartName":"region of wall of heart","PartColor":"FF0000"}]} JSONex3-1.png
Ignore bone in framing for STO {
"PartName":"bone organ",
"PartName":"region of wall of heart",

}{"Common":{"Version":"4.0","TreeName":"isa"},"Part":[{"PartName":"bone organ","PartColor":"FFFFFF","UseForBoundingBoxFlag":false},{"PartName":"region of wall of heart","PartColor":"FF0000"},{"PartName":"FMA7148","PartOpacity":0.5,"PartColor":"FFFF00"}]} JSONex3-2.png

4. Background and window

  • Window specification put the image of bounding box in a window with specified size.

Window parameters

Parameter type Default value parameter meaning allowed values, range
"Window":{ Array of key value pairs in JSON
"ImageWidth": 500 Output image width in pixcel integer less than 5000 (1000 for animation)
"ImageHeight": 500 Height of the output image in pixcel integer less than 5000 (1000 for animation)
"BackgroundColor": "FFFFFF" Background color in hexadecimal code "000000" to "FFFFFF"
"BackgroundOpacity": 100 Background opacity(0~100) integer 0 to 100
"GridFlag": FALSE Draw grid pattern on the image false | true
"GridTickInterval": 100 Unit of the grid(mm) non negative integer
"GridColor": "FFFFFF" Grid line color in Hexadecimal code "000000" to "FFFFFF"
Alteration in map config. use API from browser (URL) content of "result.png" = return from URL request
deny bone bounding and specify window {
"PartName":"bone organ",
"PartName":"region of wall of heart",
"Window" : {

}{"Common":{"Version":"4.0","TreeName":"isa"},"Part":[{"PartName":"bone organ","PartColor":"FFFFFF","UseForBoundingBoxFlag":false},{"PartName":"region of wall of heart","PartColor":"FF0000"}],"Window":{"ImageWidth":200,"ImageHeight":300,"BackgroundColor":"00A4AC"}} JSONex4-1.png
with bone as a bounding box and specify window {
"PartName":"bone organ",
"PartName":"region of wall of heart",
"Window" : {

}{"Common":{"Version":"4.0","TreeName":"isa"},"Part":[{"PartName":"bone organ","PartColor":"FFFFFF"},{"PartName":"region of wall of heart","PartColor":"FF0000"}],"Window":{"ImageWidth":200,"ImageHeight":300,"BackgroundColor":"00A4AC"}} JSONex4-2.png
overlay a white grid with 50mm tick on the window. {
"PartName":"bone organ",
"PartName":"region of wall of heart",
"Window" : {

}{"Common":{"Version":"4.0","TreeName":"isa"},"Part":[{"PartName":"bone organ","PartColor":"FFFFFF"},{"PartName":"region of wall of heart","PartColor":"FF0000"}],"Window":{"ImageWidth":200,"ImageHeight":300,"BackgroundColor":"00A4AC","GridFlag":true,"GridTickInterval":50,"GridColor":"FFFFFF","BackgroundOpacity":10}} JSONex4-3.png

5. Camera positioning=

Camera parameters

Parameter type Default value parameter meaning allowed values, range
"Camera":{ Array of key value pairs in JSON
"CameraMode": "front" camera mode, either movable or fixed "camera"|"front"|"back"|"left"|"right"|"top"|"bottom"
"CameraX": 0 camera X-coordinate, when mode=camera Double precision
"CameraY": 0 camera Y-coordinate, when mode=camera Double precision
"CameraZ": 0 camera Z-coordinate, when mode=camera Double precision
"TargetX": 0 Camera direction X coordinate of target point Double precision
"TargetY": 0 Camera direction Y coordinate of target point Double precision
"TargetZ": 0 Camera direction Z coordinate of target point Double precision
"CameraUpVectorX": 0 Camera up vector X (upside of camera device) Double precision (usually unit vector)
"CameraUpVectorY": 0 Camera up vector Y Double precision (usually unit vector)
"CameraUpVectorZ": 0 Camera up vector Z Double precision (usually unit vector)
"Zoom": 0 Arbitrary zooming power 0 to 19.8
"AddLatitudeDegree": 0 Rotate latitudinary 0 to 360
"AddLongitudeDegree": 0 Rotate longitudinary 0 to 360
Alteration in map config. use API from browser (URL) content of "result.png" = return from URL request
camera locates left to the manikin {
"PartName":"bone organ",
"PartName":"region of wall of heart",

}{"Common":{"Version":"4.0","TreeName":"isa"},"Part":[{"PartName":"bone organ","PartColor":"FFFFFF"},{"PartName":"region of wall of heart","PartColor":"FF0000"}],"Camera":{"CameraMode":"left"}} JSONex5-1.png
Move the camera +30degree North and +30 degree East on the orbit {
"PartName":"bone organ",
"PartName":"region of wall of heart",

}{"Common":{"Version":"4.0","TreeName":"isa"},"Part":[{"PartName":"bone organ","PartColor":"FFFFFF"},{"PartName":"region of wall of heart","PartColor":"FF0000"}],"Camera":{"CameraMode":"left","AddLatitudeDegree":30,"AddLongitudeDegree":30}} JSONex5-2.png

Make your data into choropleth map configuration

  • "PartColor" may be used to visualize quantitative or qualitative value given in your data.
  • Anatomography supports transformation of scalar into color code according to rainbow color progression( red---toward--purple)

Preparation of tabular data (scalardata.txt)

esophagus	 9405
stomach	32851
rectum	8530
liver	         23421
gallbladder	7476
pancreas	11933
trachea	43921
prostate	8840
urinary bladder	3817
  • Place this table in the same directory as the

A Script Seg2 to generate Map configuration (JSON object) from a data table

  • This section describes making Seg2 according to your scalar data.
  • Joining Seg1,Seg2,Seg3,Seg4 (see Sample_Codes_for_web_API_use) into one file and execute it will result in result.png of choroplethmap.
  • Use Common parameters to declare that scalar value is used to specify "PartsColor".
  • The color range is the range of scalar in scalar.txt by default.
Base configuration: setting values instead of "null" in "Scalar maximum" and "ScalarMinimum" fix the scalar values for both extremes. Use "human body" as frame of the map.
my $json = <<JSON;
   "PartName":"human body",
Appending Parts parameters by extracting data from scalar.txt
open LIST,"scalardata.txt";
while (<LIST>) {
 my ($organ, $value) = split("\t", $_);
 $json .= <<JSON;
close LIST;
$json .= <<JSON;